1990 Year 

Before 1997, separate operation of Zone North and Zone South of the power system of Kazakhstan

The difficult economic situation in the power grid of Kazakhstan. Falling volumes of power transmission through power grids, continuous growth of consumer debts for power transmission, reduction of financing led to degradation of the entire power grid eco

1997 Year 

KEGOC was established. 100% owned by the state

1998 Year 

Law on Natural Monopolies (regulated electricity transmission and distribution activities)

2000 Year 

KOREM JSC, electricity exchange was established

New service of technical dispatching of electricity production and consumption in the grid was introduced

2004 Year 

The concept of further development of market relations in the electricity sector of Kazakhstan. Law of the RK on Electricity

Separation of the electricity distribution activities by the REC into separate energy supply companies

2008 Year 

Balancing electricity market in an imitation mode

2009 Year 

Introduction of ceiling tariffs by energy producing organisations for 2009-2015

Electricity generation-consumption balancing service was introduced

2013 Year 

Concept for the Transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to a Green Economy

2014 Year 

90% + 1 share: Samruk-Kazyna JSC,
10% - 1 share: minority shareholders

Launch of renewable energy market (FSC RES LLP started operations to purchase and sale of renewable electricity. Concept of fuel and energy sector development until 2030

2015 Year 

Steps 50-52

2016 Year 

Ratification of the Paris Agreement

2019 Year 

Electricity capacity market was introduced

2020 Year 

Concept for the development of the fuel and energy complex

Environmental Code was adopted

2021 Year 

Strategic Development Plan 2025

National Project on Development of Competition in Kazakhstan 2021-2025.

2023 Year 

Strategy for a Carbon Neutral Kazakhstan 2060